April 25, 2008 - 12:07
Another week of fresh updates and new features we are going to tell you about and if this wouldn't be enough, we brought some nice screenshots with us! We told you guys about the Operation "Mercury", the German invasion of Crete. To invade they needed some parachutes, well and as you are going to invade the island in Men of War aswell, you will need some too! Atleast virtually ones for your troops. We added some... mehr »
April 18, 2008 - 10:04
While our colleagues from Best Way are showing off Men of War on the largest Russian games event KRI, we stay here to provide you guys with the latest news about the game and its development! We added a new smooth high grass technology which allows us to create such wonderful multiplayer maps like the displayed one here: The grass doesn't only look nice, it also is very useful for gameplay elements, while you... mehr »
April 16, 2008 - 13:07
Men of War has been announced in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independents States), inlcuding some brand new screenshots! Link to the press release (Russian): http://games.1c.ru/?type=news Link to the game details (Russian): http://games.1c.ru/vtv2_lis/ The game holds the name "V tylu vraga 2. Lis pustyni" which means "Behind enemy lines 2: Desert Fox". And here they are, the new screenshots! mehr »
April 11, 2008 - 10:34
Let's have a talk about new features in Men of War. We decided to make things, which are taking place on the screen, more clearly so you can better foresee the results of your orders, so you can more efficiently follow the situation on the battlefield. Situation: you point the cursor at the enemys tank to hit a certain component (without direct control). But how can you know on which part of the vehicle your units... mehr »
April 04, 2008 - 09:59
In this weeks developers update we will talk about the multiplayer game concept which was built up. The basis is a complete and detailed analysis of the proportion of the WWII military powers. The game won't be a full-value combat simulator but we tried to reconstruct the battle on the screen as realistically as the game engine allows it. Nations gained their individuality according to the realities of the WWII.... mehr »

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