Juli 14, 2008 - 21:15
GameOnSite released a video preview of Men of War, which was presented during a recent event in the UK. They are showing you a Russian campaign mission, the heroic defence of Moscow. You can see all materials here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxj2J7yDmMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q7exgM2OU0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrnWN8uzqnE Their preview based on the presentation: http://www.gameon.co.uk/games/... mehr »
Juli 04, 2008 - 16:09
A later devupdate at this friday will be dedicated to our Singleplayer fans, which we don't want to neglect either. We are a little bit late because we are working hard on the Men of War website with many info and news around the game. What definately changed a lot since the prequels is the scale of battle. Some missions have huge size and epic battles. This allowed ust to add lots of interesting tasks without... mehr »
Juni 27, 2008 - 10:59
You already know that the accuracy of your tanks depends on their mounted guns and that a fast movement of the chassis or turret will decrease their accuracy drastically. Today we talk about all the factors being influenced by shooting with a gun: Shooting while moving It's a lot harder to hit an enemy tank while you are moving, compared to slow motion or none. The faster you move, the less accuracy will be... mehr »
Juni 20, 2008 - 10:23
What could be a more beautiful friday, than a friday showing off new vehicles of Men of War? Besides the day of the multiplayer beta start, and besides a singleplayer demo, or well besides the release of the game itself. NOTHING OFCOURSE! :D And to be honest, who cares for waiting a little longer, if you can have a first look at new vehicles? Yet, we showed you new British, American and German tanks. Finally you... mehr »
Juni 18, 2008 - 22:46
Today you'll get the pleasure to read some of the first previews of Men of War, until you get the chance to test it out yourself in the upcoming multiplayer beta or the planned *cough*single*cough*demo. Seems like there is something interesting waiting for you in September 2008. I'll hope you already planned in some extra time. ;) English: Preview on Frictionless Insight Preview on Hooked Gamers Preview on... mehr »

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