February 08, 2008 - 02:13
This week we celebrate a new freshly baken devupdate! Japanese... Hmmm, no, we want to keep a few vehicles secret for now and change the topic for a while. So what are the campaigns about? We saw screenshots of North Africa, of Russia, of France..., but this causes even more questions. Questions we are going to answer step by step. The Allies What are you going to do if you want to be a journalist but than war... more »
February 05, 2008 - 16:51
We added the possibility for you guys to subscribe to the RSS Feed via your email account, instead of using a RSS Feed catcher you simply can fill in your email adresse in the main page window on the bottom right. You always can unsubscribe to the RSS Feed and you will no longer receive updates. Mass emails will only be sent for larger news events, so if you want to be always up to date and the first who knows... more »
February 01, 2008 - 01:17
Just announced and already the first devupdate with the games new name "Men of War". Yes, we will keep on posting news and very probably more and more until the release of the game! Yet we are not done showing you all Japanese vehicles for the multiplayer, therefore once more Japan! Type 90 75mm At-gun Japanese small 47mm calibre at-gun was very soon obsolete when facing Allied tanks in the Pacific. Type 90 75mm... more »
January 31, 2008 - 17:25
1C Company finally announced the sequel of the highly anticipated "Soldiers: Heroes of World War II" and "Faces of War". Men of War is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Soldiers: Heroes of World War II and Faces of War and is scheduled for a summer 2008 release around the world. Men of War takes place in Europe during the height of World War II. The story unfolds across three different campaigns played out... more »
January 25, 2008 - 01:08
Another devupdate showcasting new units of Outfront 2! This time we have some very interesting vehicles for you, one of it will have large usage in multiplayer. With the interesting and varieting technology Japan delivers it's truly a worth multiplayer nation. A lot of vehicles never saw action in combat due to mainland protection although they were fully developed or promising prototypes. Those vehicles will be... more »

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