March 05, 2009 - 17:17
Three new trailers have been released for the Real-Time Tactical game Men of War! The trailer "Destroying everything" showcasts the enormously desctructability of all map objects, whether they are vehicles, buildings or vegetation standing in the way of artillery shells. With "Fire dance with me" you get in touch with the intense fireworks you can generate with molotov cocktailes and flamethrowers, but be aware, it... more »
March 04, 2009 - 21:50
More exclusive cooperative multiplayer gaming is shown in the 7th episode of Attila featuring MoW! This video shows you the destruction of a German outpost and infiltration of an Airbase. (read about game modes here). Men of War features 3 campaigns for 3 different nations and 5 bonusmissions. Check it out: ... annel_page Don't forget to select HD quality! more »
February 28, 2009 - 15:15
A new interview about Men of War has been published on, also featuring a video of a cooperative mission played in multiplayer. The interview lets you know how Best Way invented the Direct Control feature and much more! Quote:“[…] When the first part of the series was under development by Best Way, they added the basics of the feature at a very early stage of development. The game had only very... more »
February 27, 2009 - 15:38
We are proud to announce that Men of War has been officialy released in Europe today! The highly anticipated Real-Time Tactics game is now available in most European shops. Quote:"Men of War takes place in Europe and North Africa during the height of World War II. The story takes place over three different campaigns and players take on the role of Soviet, Allied and German soldiers. Each campaign has its own... more »
February 26, 2009 - 18:11
An interview regarding Men of War has been published on LagZero a Spanish gaming news website. The interview includes confirmation on the free Japanese Expansion that is going to be released a few weeks after the world-wide release of the game. Quote:“…what is definitely sure is the fact that the game gets a free content update including the Japanese army for multiplayer and several new features!” The full... more »

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