July 12, 2010 - 12:13
Welcome to the first developer update for Men of War: Assault Squad. Following the initial screenshots and information for the game, we have decided to focus more on the technical aspects of the game in our developer updates to distinguish them from just media updates. So what will we talk about? First off, we will talk a lot about the improvements and changes you will see in Men of War: Assault Squad and you will... more »
July 08, 2010 - 11:44
Yep! It's that time! As Assault Squad progresses steadily, the time has come for us to launch the website which will be associated with the game! If you're reading this here for the first time, there's not much that this site will tell you that you don't already know, but if you're looking to whet your Men of War appetite with some delightful screenshots and other media, then head on over and enjoy the new site... more »
June 25, 2010 - 00:42
We've got a special announcement to share with you today! Many of you have been keeping a keen eye on the development of Men of War: Assault Squad and I am pleased to say that it has reached a major milestone in development. To celebrate this monumental achievement as well as the kickoff of summer we are providing Assault Squad Exclusive Testing for a unbelievably low price for this weekend only! This weekend... more »
June 11, 2010 - 14:49
As the release of Assault Squad inches closer we're rolling out few features and companions to the game. This time, we're presenting the Assault Squad forums! We'll start it out with the fairly basic features, but as the game rolls onwards we'll start fleshing it out so it is much like the Men of War forums you are already familiar with. We're hoping that the new forums will share the great community we have... more »
June 08, 2010 - 20:37
The popular gaming site, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, has just posted an interview with Instinct about the upcoming Men of War: Assault Squad. It's a good read and if you wish to know the mindset behind some of the changes being made to the game, as well as what our goals are with the title, it's worth checking out. You may also get an idea of where the future of the game is headed and what to expect from the title as... more »

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