June 11, 2010 - 14:49
As the release of Assault Squad inches closer we're rolling out few features and companions to the game. This time, we're presenting the Assault Squad forums! We'll start it out with the fairly basic features, but as the game rolls onwards we'll start fleshing it out so it is much like the Men of War forums you are already familiar with. We're hoping that the new forums will share the great community we have... more »
June 08, 2010 - 20:37
The popular gaming site, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, has just posted an interview with Instinct about the upcoming Men of War: Assault Squad. It's a good read and if you wish to know the mindset behind some of the changes being made to the game, as well as what our goals are with the title, it's worth checking out. You may also get an idea of where the future of the game is headed and what to expect from the title as... more »
June 04, 2010 - 22:29
Prepare yourself! This is some news you definitely won't want to miss! ... Are you prepared? Because I can't wait any longer to tell you about it. That's how excited I am! We're bringing you a wonderful selection of screenshots from Men of War: Assault Squad, including some of the new models and weapons you will see in the game! In addition to this, there's an impressive list of features that you can expect from... more »
June 04, 2010 - 14:22
Strategyinformer was visiting us lately on the 1C Prague'and'Play event, they are one of the very lucky few that got to try out the Men of War: Assault Squad. While presenting MoW:AS at the event, we shared some words with them about the game which they have now published in an interview: Interview Additionally they made a first hands on preview, Quote:Forgive us if we seem to be foaming at the mouth - we honestly... more »
May 29, 2010 - 03:32
First, we'd like to apologize for the recent downtime we've experienced. However, everything now seems to be restored, though if you encounter any problems please report them. We've been busy during our downtime and have a few things to present to you today! :D First is the new Digitalmindsoft Zazzle shop! This shop houses a collection of our new models and compilations which should appease those of you who... more »

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