Men of War: Developers update 18

This week we celebrate a new freshly baken devupdate!

Japanese... Hmmm, no, we want to keep a few vehicles secret for now and change the topic for a while.
So what are the campaigns about? We saw screenshots of North Africa, of Russia, of France..., but this causes even more questions. Questions we are going to answer step by step.

The Allies

What are you going to do if you want to be a journalist but than war breaks out? For Terry Palmer it was not an easy decision but a clear one, he had to fight for his country, he had to enlist.
He finds himself in the army in spring 1942 rather adrift. After several months of preparation at the training centre for recruits, he was sent to the 34-th Infantry Division of Major-General Charles W. Rider.

Allied troops were landing in the French North Africa on November 8, 1942, two weeks after the beginning of the English offensive against Rommel's positions near Al-Alamain and four days after the overthrow of those positions. According to the plan of the High Command, the united army of the Allies had to attack Casablanca, Orang and Algiers, simultaneously seizing all the key ports, and then accomplish an impetuous break-through to Tunisia with the consequent taking the German forces in the rear. The well known "Operation Torch".

Terry Palmer, he will be part of it... and you?

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